Working Paper

Working Paper
[UTMD-026] A Planner-Optimal Matching Mechanism and Its Incentive Compatibility in a Restricted Domain (by Shunya Noda)
Working Paper
[UTMD-025] Position Auctions with Multidimensional Types: Revenue Maximization and Efficiency (by Ryuji Sano)
Working Paper
[UTMD-024] Free-Rider Problem and Sovereignty Protection (by Hitoshi Matsushima)
Working Paper
[UTMD-023] Coordinated Strategic Manipulations and Mechanisms in School Choice (by Ryo Shirakawa)
Working Paper
[UTMD-022] Interdistrict School Choice: A Theory of Student Assignment (by Isa E. Hafalir, Fuhito Kojima, M. Bumin Yenmez)
Working Paper
[UTMD-021] Weak Monotone Comparative Statics (by Yeon-Koo Che, Jinwoo Kim, Fuhito Kojima)
Working Paper
[UTMD-020] Characterizing Pareto Optima: Sequential Utilitarian Welfare Maximization (by Yeon-Koo Che, Jinwoo Kim, Fuhito Kojima, Christopher Thomas Ryan)
Working Paper
[UTMD-019] Job Matching with Subsidy and Taxation (by Fuhito Kojima, Ning Sun, Ning Neil Yu)
Working Paper