

Event Announcement: “2024 International Conference on Gender and Economics”

This is a one-day conference on gender economics on Saturday, June 8 at the Hongo Campus of the University of Tokyo. Professor Marianne Bertrand (University of Chicago) will be the keynote speaker! 
Professor Fuhito Kojima, Director of UTMD, will also give a talk at this event.
This event is co-organized by the the Chair of Social Common Capital, represented by Professor Hitoshi Matsushima, UTMD Vice Director. *Pre-registration is required.

Date:  Saturday, June 8th 2024.
Time: 9:30am-8:00pm
Venue: Sanjo Conference Hall, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo

Please register from below. First come, first served.

Masayuki Yagasaki (Tohoku University) 
Hitoshi Shigeoka (University of Tokyo)